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What is a payment plugin and how can it transform your business?
In a world where online commerce continues to grow, offering aseamless and secure payment solution has become essential to maximizing sales. According to recent studies ,a large majority of consumers prefer to shop online, which makes thepayment process more crucial than ever. That ‘s where payment plugins come in. These tools make it easy to integrate payment solutions into a website,from credit cards, mobile wallets like Orange Money or MTNMobile Money, or services like PayPal. In this article, we explain…
Orange Money online payment solution for e-commerce sites.
Orange Money online payment solution for e-commerce sites. When you already have an e-commerce site or are planning an online store, it’s important to think about your online payment solution, it ‘s important to think about your online payment solution. When you create your e-commerce site, your aim is to sell your products or services. For this reason, you need to make it easy for your customers to access different payment methods, to pay for their purchases. As a manager,…

Facebook page statistics to keep track of
One of the main missions of digital marketing is to effectively animate the company’s Facebook page on a daily basis and produce a statistical report on the page to track performance. Facebook offers several tools and functionalities through its different tabs: Professional dashboard.Here are the key Facebook page stats you need to keep track of: Number of likes and followers To get an overview of your facebook page statistics, you can browse the elements in the “my page” tab Publication…
Offshore web agency or outsourcing
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E-learning or distance learning via the Internet
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Orange Money API for online payment
The term ” API ” has become remarkably popular in recent times. Many people wonder what APIs are for, and what they are ?. An API ( Application Programming Interface ) is an IT solution that enables that connects one service to another in order to exchange functionalities. In addition, APIs have been designed for different needs, and are widely used companies or third parties to interact with customers. It was with this in mind that the PaymentAPI was created…